


On Sabbath (Saturday) all learners are taken to Seventh-day Adventist church with their educators in the following uniform: Boys = Turquoise blue shirts, black trousers Girls = Turquoise blue blouses and black skirts NB: King James Version Bible, hymnal and lesson study


Each learner brings from home: branded plate, bowel, fork, knife, cup and toiletries. In addition, per term 6 pack tissues is brought and handed over to the Boarding master for recording and keeping.
1. Meal Time  
  1. All food must be consumed within the dining area.
  2. All meals are compulsory all the times.
  3. Clear up whatever mess you make.
  4. Appropriate dress and footwear must be worn. NO vests, pyjamas or slippers may be worn to any meal.
  5. Grace is said before meals during which students must be silent and show respect.
  6. No crockery or cutlery may leave dining areas.
2. Communications
All boarders, parents and guardians acknowledge that:
  1. Students must feel free to discuss anything that happens in boarding with their parents, a teacher or the housemaster as the Boarding House should never have anything to hide.
  2. The school is required to deal swiftly and seriously with those who do not live up to these expectations, particularly when it comes to any form of bullying.
  3. They carry a responsibility to uphold the highest standards of TCC
  4. They understand these expectations and regard them as binding
  5. They will communicate, using the official channels of communication, if there are any concerns that need addressing.
3. Study session rules
  1. Group work is only allowed in the recreation room during the first study session with the permission of the house master.
  2. I-pods, MP3 players, radios, sound systems, may not be used during prep – even with phones!
  3. Late study is only allowed if the house master gives permission. It is a privilege, not a right.
  4. Misconduct during this time will not be tolerated.
  5. The study session is a time to study and do homework.
  6. There will be silence during study sessions.
4. Boarding House out of bounds
  1. Boarders are not allowed to leave the Boarding House without prior permission.
  2. Boarding House is out of bounds during the school day, no student is permitted to be there.
  3. Hitch hiking is forbidden. The school and Boarding House will not be held responsible for any mishaps that might occur as a result of breaking this rule.
  4. Home time : Friday 14:30 – Sunday 18:30
  5. Lights out – No student is allowed to leave their bed after lights out without permission they are only allowed going to bathroom.
  6. Monthly boarders’ leave must be requested by parents in writing by the Wednesday of that week.
  7. Noise – Running, shouting and unnecessary noises are not allowed indoors. Radios may be played softly. Radios may not be used during prep.
  8. Parents will be given a calendar at the start of each term to inform them of important dates. It remains the students’ duty to inform his/her parents/ guardians of these dates and times.
  9. Students may only leave the Boarding House with related family or by consent of the respective parents/guardians sent by email. Failure to adhere to this will have strict consequences as well as TCC and the Boarding House will not be held liable for any mishaps.
  10. Weekend leave starts after the last sport/cultural event takes place on the Friday.
  11. You are not allowed off the school property unsupervised or without the express permission of your parent or house master/mistress if you are signing out for any reason.
  12. You must be in the Boarding House from 18:45 (18:30 in winter) every evening. You may not be outside after this time unless you have the specific permission of the house master/mistress.

4. Boarding House out of bounds

5. Laundry
  1. All laundry is to be clearly marked with the student’s name.
  2. Each student is responsible for sending and collecting their laundry and accurately accounting for each piece.
  3. Each student need to get a marked laundry bag & sock bag.
  4. Students are responsible for their own bedding.
  5. Laundry days are Mondays & Thursdays weekly.
  6. Laundry items which are not marked will not be washed!
  7. Laundry service is washing and ironing x 2 days per week.
  8. The laundry services cost is R800per month.
6. Clothes and clothing
  1. All clothing MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED.
  2. Casual dress consists of a TCC sport t-shirt, blue sport shorts and casual footwear.
  3. After 17:00 you may change into civvies.
  4. Full school uniform must be worn to school and all school functions.
  5. No bangles or bracelets, except Medic-Alert.
  6. No chains; only religious emblems are allowed.
  7. No nose rings, tongue studs or other body piercing may be worn, not even with civvies. Piercings may not be kept open with bristles.
  8. On leaving and returning to the Boarding House, full school uniform must be worn. (Or a school tracksuit, when leaving directly to or from a sport’s practice or fixture)
  9. Sport must be played in the correct kit.
  10. Watches must be respectable size and of a neutral colour. No bracelet or charm watches allowed.
7. Recreation Room
  1. Look after any equipment in the common room. You will be charged for repairs if you are found to have caused any damage.
  2. The DVD player may only be used with approved DVDs and with the Boarding House mistress/master’s permission.
  3. The TV may only be watched or used at the designated times.
  4. This is your area and use of it is a privilege not a right. Abusing it will result in it being placed out-of-bounds.
8. Sick report
  1. If you are ill at school and have to leave class the Boarding House master/mistress will be informed and arrangements made to take you back to the Boarding House.
  2. If you are sick please inform the Boarding House master/mistress at the morning inspection.
  3. If you do not attend class you may not attend extramural activities.
  4. The house master/mistress will then decide if you need to see the nurse/doctor.
  5. You may not make private arrangements to be taken home when ill. These arrangements must be made through the nurse and house master/mistress.
  6. You may not stay in bed if you are sick unless you have been specifically instructed to do so.
9. Valuables & Money
  1. All students are responsible for their own pocket money. Rather let them use their bank cards.
  2. Students will be advised to hand over their weekly allowances to the housemaster/mistress, who will keep record thereof.
  3. Try not to bring any valuables into the Boarding House.
  4. You may not borrow anything from anyone without their express permission.
  5. You may not buy or sell anything from/to anyone without the house master’s consent.