
Online Application

CERTIFIED COPIES of documents must be submitted for VERIFICATION.

1 Certified Unabridged birth certificates/study permit/refugee status/passport
2 Recent I.D. size photograph of child
3 Most recent school report & copy of latest School Fee Statement & Fee Clearance Form.
4 Clinic card showing the relevant immunisations
5 Identity Documents of both biological parents (Should either parent be deceased, a certified copy of the death certificate is required)
6 Certified copy of marriage certificate/divorce agreement (from the court)
7 In the case of Legal Guardianship/Adoption ~ certified copies of legal documents produced by the Courts are required
8 Proof of residence of the biological parents ~ Municipal Account (ALL pages of original account – Affidavit NOT accepted) or ORIGINAL valid Lease Agreement
9 Copy of medical aid membership card (if applicable)
10 Proof of Employment for both parents. If parent/s are self-employed a copy of the company CK documents will need to be submitted. Unemployed – request Department of Labour Form (from us) to be completed by the Department of Labour
11 Transfer letter in case child is transferring from another school
12 A letter from religious leader

Before you proceed:

Please take note of the following requirements:

  1. For a learner to be eligible for admission to this school they must comply with the admissions criteria.
  2. Admission will not be successful if all relevant documentation is not provided.
  3. Use of fraudulent documents and information pertinent to this application, such as age, identity, place of residence, guardianship is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE. Thornhill Christian College reserves the right to lay criminal charges and reject the application, whether or not the application has been accepted.
  4. By making this application for admission to Thornhill Christian College, the learner and their parents accept that on such admission, the learner will be bound by the Code of Conduct and Rules of Thornhill Christian College throughout the learners stay at the school.
  5. You need to pay application fee and via EFT, Bank transfer and add Ref: Child name : Application Fees
  6. Pay R500 Application fee into this account:
    Bank: FNB
    Account type: Cheque,
    Account Number: 62571796279,
    Branch Code: 221325

    1. Thornhill Christian College (hereafter the School) is an independent school as defined by
      Sections 45 read with Section 1 of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996.
    2. This enrolment agreement, incorporating an application for enrolment, will govern the
      relationship between the parents and the School if the application for enrolment is successful
      and is effective for as long as the learner is attending School.
    3. This agreement is primarily intended to govern the financial obligations of the parents
      and does not limit or prescribe all remaining rights and obligations between the parties.
    4. Each learner must participate in one or two sporting disciplines like soccer, netball,
      volleyball, music, athletics, marathon, basketball, swimming, rugby, table tennis, chess plus
      and one or two core-curriculum activities. On sports day all come dressed in sports attire.

    1. All relevant considerations are taken into account when the school fees are determined by
      the Board of Directors to ensure that the School can meet its obligations and to ensure
      that the highest level of education is afforded all children who attend the School.
    2. I/We hereby authorise the School, or its duly authorised representative, to conduct a full
      credit investigation in and to my/our affairs and to report me/us to any Credit Bureau
      upon non or late payment of any amount due and payable.
    3. School fees charged as yearly lump-sum covers teaching & learning operational expenses, standing overheads, infrastructure development, purchase, maintenance of apparatus, equipment, props, swimming, printing, electronic magazine, marimba, ballet and in sports and a core-curriculum activities.

Apply now from the comfort of your own space, no need to use physical forms. Everything is secure and convenient

If you wish to fill physical forms and submit to our admissions offices, download the forms here